1. Enter postcode
  2. Choose representative
  3. Write message
  4. Send message

Write your message

Writing to Cllr Feargal Dalton, Victoria Park.


  • Please be polite, concise and to the point; if you abuse your councillor you devalue the service for all users.
  • Use your own words; we block copied-and-pasted identical messages.
  • It’s a waste of time writing to councillors other than your own; your message will be ignored.
  • Read this to learn when a councillor can help you – and when they can’t.

About You

Your Address

All the information you provide here will be sent to your representative or their office.

Any response from them will come directly to you via email or letter. After you use WriteToThem, you will receive a maximum of two follow-up messages from us, checking whether you received a response.

Read about how we keep your data private (opens in a new window).